Cyber Command, technology, warfare
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US General Claims To Have Hacked The Enemy: HuffPo
US General Claims To Have Hacked The Enemy: HuffPo
Current Affairs, Cyber Command, Cyber Exploitation, Stuxnet
Cyber Roundup (7/1): A cyber branch of the military, crossing the cyber Rubicon, and Stuxnet’s termination date
Current Affairs, cyber attack, Stuxnet, Television
Cyber Roundup (6/21): Iran stops new massive cyberattack, U.S./Israel behind Flame, U.S. and China in cyberspace, CNBC to run Chinese cyberespionage program, and what is America’s cyber policy?
Current Affairs, cyber attack, Cyber Exploitation, Legislation
Cyber Roundup (6/15): Cybersecurity lapses a nuclear power plant, Huawei boasts of breaking into US telecomms, and DHS demos cyberattack,
Current Affairs, Legislation, regulation
Cyber Roundup (6/13): US Companies not talking, a last stab at cybersecurity legislation, and LulzSec reborn
cyber attack, Cyber Exploitation
Understanding cyberspace is key to defending against digital attacks: WashPo
cyber attack, Stuxnet, White House