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cyber attack, Cyber Exploitation

Understanding cyberspace is key to defending against digital attacks: WashPo

On 6/2, Robert O'Harrow Jr. wrote a very interesting article for the Washington Post on zero-day exploits.  A zero-day exploit is a previously undiscovered vulnerability in a computer system which allows a hacker to exploit that system.  In the article, O'Harrow Jr. covered the efforts by one whitehat hacker to find a zero-day exploit in the iPhone's operating system.  The whitehat's methods were particularly interesting; he devised an intricate system for finding the zero-days by "fuzzing" the iPhones and forcing them to crash.  In the end, the whitehat ending up successfully breaking into the iPhone and winning a hacking competition. 

Apple ended up patching the vulnerability, but I don't think that's really the point.  Unlike the whitehat hacker mentioned in this WashPo article, blackhats will seek out zero-days with less than noble intentions, and they will successfully exploit them.  At the end of the day, should we just assume that our systems will be comprised? 

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