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critical infrastructure, Cyber Exploitation, Cyber Jihad, terrorism

TIME: An ISIS Cyberattack Against the United States is Unlikely

Is the exposure of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) throughout various social media websites a sign that ISIS is technologically capable of launching a major cyberattack against the United States? According to a recent article by Time Magazine Online, the answer is no.

While the article acknowledges ISIS’s recruitment campaign over social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, the report states that the ISIS’s use of modern technology to recruit does not equate with an ability to launch a major cyberattack. The article reports that the group has yet to acquire either the manpower or resources to launch a large-scale cyberattack. Specifically, ISIS lacks the type of technology and hardcore programmers needed to launch sophisticated attacks against the United States, according to the article. To demonstrate the deficiencies, the article compares and distinguishes the support and resources of ISIS with those of Chinese hackers with state-sponsored hacking operations.

The article does suggest that ISIS might be capable of launching a larger-scale cyberattack against the United States in the future, however, the article goes on to emphasize that a future attack would likely be more of an annoyance than a debilitating strike on the United States’ infrastructure. Click here for the full article.

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