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Criticism, Current Affairs, Cyber Exploitation
Why David Petraeus’ Gmail account is a national security issue: WashPo
cyber attack, Cyber Command, Cyber Exploitation, Stuxnet, wikileaks
Cyber Roundup (11/8): Stuxnet infected Chevron, Gen. Alexander lays out who does what, and Skyfall inspired by Stuxnet?
The new cyber vulnerability: Your law firm (Foreign Policy)
Cyber help squad set up by GCHQ: The Telegraph
After Stuxnet, the new rules of cyberwar: Computerworld
Cyber Exploitation, regulation
Coke Hacked And Doesn’t Tell: Bloomberg
Cyber Command, Michael Hayden, regulation
Obama and Romney could rewrite cyber org charts: Nextgov
U.N. calls for “anti-terror” Internet surveillance/ U.S. WCIT proposal: CNet & ITWorld
Current Affairs, Cyber Exploitation