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Current Affairs, Cyber Exploitation, international law
Cyber Roundup (11/19): Israel combats cyber attacks, Russian WCIT proposal, and Chinese cyberespionage hurting free trade
cyber attack, Law, Uncategorized
The Hackback Debate: Steptoe Cyberblog (and Volokh Conspiracy)
Criticism, international law, regulation
Russia demands broad UN role in Net governance, leak reveals: CNet
Current Affairs, Cyber Exploitation, international law, Legislation, regulation
Cyber roundup (11/16): F-35 vulnerable to hackers, Xtreme RAT targets US, and some things ain’t negotiable at WCIT
Fort Meade: Building a team of elite cyber professionals (Maryland Gazette)
Cyber roundup (11/13): Huawei poaching feds, federal cybersecurity breaches, hacking cars, Skyfall, and more . . .
Current Affairs, Cyber Exploitation
Researchers identify year-long cyberespionage effort against Israelis, Palestinians: Computerworld
Military cyber range with mini-model of internet moves from lab to deployment: Nextgov
cyber attack, Cyber Exploitation, international law