Current Affairs, cyber attack, education, IT security
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anonymity, Constitution, Criticism, Current Affairs, education, future, Law, NSA, Official Policy, Privacy, regulation, surveillance, technology, terrorism
President Obama’s National Security Letter Reforms: UPDATE
Federal Data Security Bills in Pipeline
Current Affairs, Law, Privacy, surveillance
Canada’s NSA Equivalent Starring Latest Snowden Revelation
Current Affairs, Cyber Exploitation, NSA, Privacy, surveillance
Government Funds Research to Combat Potential Eavesdropping
Constitution, critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, Law, NSA, Privacy, surveillance, technology, terrorism
Cyber Round Up: Talking Google, NSA, FISA, a false cyber attack alarm, and more
Criticism, Current Affairs, Law, net neutrality
CNET: Net Neutrality Decision Boosted FCC Regulatory Authority
critical infrastructure, Current Affairs, cyber attack, NSA
Cyber Roundup: Technology to negatively impact the future job market; China’s Internet disruptions; What to do with Snowden
Current Affairs, education, Law, net neutrality, regulation
D.C. Court Rules Against FCC on Net Neutrality
Criticism, Current Affairs, cyber attack, deterrence, hackback, IT security, technology