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cyber attack, Cyber Exploitation

Hacker claims breach of Chinese defense contractor: Reuters

On Apr. 4th, 2012, Joseph Menn reported for Reuters on how a Chinese company became the victim of a recent cyberattack.  According to the article, a hacker calling himself "Hardcore Charlie" broke into the networks of China National Import & Export Corp (CEIEC) and revealed documents which contain U.S. military transport information and CEIEC internal business plans.  The documents' authenticity have not been verified.  Interestingly, Hardcore Charlie claimed to be a friend of Sabu, the prior leader of Lulzsec who turned into an FBI informant.

Hardcore Charlie apparently intends to continue exploring Chinese networks.  I, however, would take Hardcore Charlie's claims with a grain of salt until his exploits are verified.  He does have a cool nickname though.

You can find the Reuters source article here.

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